This document is an extension of the paper in which we compare the impact of jet predictions on real experimental setups. For a full description of the results please refer to the original paper. Here we provide the full analysis where
predictions are computed with the NNPDF23_nnlo_as_0118 replica 0.
for each experiment (CMS, ATLAS, CDF and D0) we show predictions using all channels and gg channel normalized to experimental data.
we provide several k-factors, which are used to compare the accuracy at LO and NLO order between the approximated codes (NJA and threshold resummation codes) and the exact computation. Also the NNLO/NLO k-factors are provided using the threshold approximation computation and the exact results for the gg channel.
the k-factors plots are followed by tables where we show for each bin: the experimental value and its uncertainty, the k-factors using the exact and the threshold approximation results and their relative difference, in particular for the gg channel we also provide the threshold k-factor normalized to the exact NLO, together with its relative difference.
The structure of this document is the same for all experiments.